Val di Sole in summer

In Val di Sole there are a lot of opportunities to enjoy your holiday in complete relax or having fun with a lot of nature activities like hiking with guided tours in the national Stelvio Park, riding horses in a beautiful and untouched nature country or for the bravest of you performing extreme sports. On the bottom of the valley flows the Noce river, where in summer it is possible to practice canoeing, kayaking, rafting and hydrospeed.

A valley for bikers!!!

From Mostizzolo to Cogolo di Peio, along the Noce river there is a cycle lane that cross all the valley so that you can enjoy a landscape of nature and small villages. If you prefer more demanding paths, there are endless possibilities. You can walk on white roads, paths, and reach lakes and Alpine cottages. If you want to reach high altitudes without having a hard time you can rent a e-bike in a shop and from 2017 the Comunità di valle will offer the bikes along the cycle lane.From 2008 the valley has been hosting cycling European and world events such as downhill, trial and cross country races.

